Exit Planning & Business Valuation fortnight

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Burton Sweet are running a fortnight of Exit Planning and Business Valuation advice from Monday 21st May – Friday 1st June, where you can book a free 30-minute consultation with one of our senior team in any of the four offices in Bristol and Somerset.

This consultation will give you an overview of what you should be doing and how you can prepare in order to make the most out of any future sale of your business. It will look at different strategies you can employ and also help you understand how to value your business.

Planning the sale of your business might not be high on your list of priorities. But making that plan early can mean that when the time comes, the proceeds are maximised and the transition is as smooth as it can be.

Call us on 01934 620011 or speak to your usual Burton Sweet adviser to book your free session, or click the button below to send us a message now.

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Useful information for Exit Planning & Business Valuation fortnight