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Limited CompaniesSole Traders & Partnerships

The King’s Speech focused strongly on creating a stable economic environment, but what will this practically mean for businesses?

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Limited CompaniesSole Traders & Partnerships

Your cash position is related not just to what you currently have, but what others owe you and you owe others.­ Here’s how to improve it…

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Limited CompaniesSole Traders & Partnerships

For your business, a new government brings about a period of uncertainty. Consider how you can prepare to manage this transition and succeed…

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

Read what’s practically involved in the audit process, how to prepare well and what to expect from us as auditor…

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

This article covers the important considerations in setting-up and running a trading subsidiary to raise money for your charitable work.

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Limited CompaniesSole Traders & Partnerships

HMRC has launched a quick digital tool, so businesses can estimate how registering for VAT might affect them.

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IndividualsSole Traders & Partnerships

From 6 April 2026, people with yearly trading/property income over £50,000 must move to a digital system to record and declare information.

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Limited Companies

From April 2026, reporting and paying Income Tax and Class 1A NICs on benefits-in-kind will be mandatory through payroll software.

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Limited CompaniesSole Traders & Partnerships

A director can decide how much and by what means they extract the profit from their business by balancing salary and dividends.

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

There’s a widespread misunderstanding of charity reserves and yet this is an area of vital importance to all charities. Are you up to speed?

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

In the current social, economic and political climate it’s more important than ever that charities act ethically.

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

Is legacy fundraising (donation of a person’s estate via a will or trusts) something your charity should be thinking more pro-actively about?

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