Mapping Your Financial Future

When should you start thinking about your business exit strategy?

Whilst exiting your organisation might seem like a distant prospect, having a proper plan in advance will make this process more seamless and financially beneficial.

On 9 May 2024, Burton Sweet will be running the Mapping Your Financial Future event in the Swan Hotel in Wells from 09:00 to 11:00 to guide business owners through the key areas of exit strategy and provide practical tips, so that (when the time comes) they know what steps to take.

Tickets are FREE. The event will start with refreshments, followed a presentation by our three experts, then an opportunity to ask questions and chat with us.

Nigel Harris from Burton Sweet Chartered Accountants, Derrick Laver from Independent Financial Advisers, Laver Wealth Management, and specialist business coach Nick Cramp will be sharing their insight to answer these questions:

1. How can you make your business an attractive prospect for sale?

2. What specific actions should your exit strategy involve?

3. How to manage your money leading up to and post exit?

Expert perspective

This change of direction can seem daunting not only due to the decisions that need to be made, but because of how it will affect your life moving forwards.

Getting an expert perspective will mean that you can approach your exit process with confidence, so you can secure the best possible outcome.