National Insurance

Limited Companies

From April 2026, reporting and paying Income Tax and Class 1A NICs on benefits-in-kind will be mandatory through payroll software.

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Limited CompaniesSole Traders & Partnerships

A director can decide how much and by what means they extract the profit from their business by balancing salary and dividends.

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IndividualsLimited CompaniesSole Traders & Partnerships

Read our summary of the Spring Budget 2024, with changes to National Insurance, Child Benefit and second homes…

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As a result of ‘administrative discrepancies’ by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), mothers may have been underpaid around £1bn in state pension. This has occurred due to information missing from the national insurance (NI) records.

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IndividualsSole Traders & Partnerships

The new tax year has begun; this means we can now submit your tax return for the year ending 5 April 2023. The final deadline may seem a way off, but submitting as early as possible is always preferable, so you are aware of any tax liabilities in good time. Here’s a checklist of things you may wish to consider.

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IndividualsLimited CompaniesSole Traders & Partnerships

After April 5 2025, you’ll only be able to fill National Insurance gaps going back 6 tax years, so if you have many years missing on your record, you should start considering what you can do about this.

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IndividualsLimited CompaniesSole Traders & Partnerships

For a round-up of what the Spring Budget contained and how this might affect you, please read our summary of some of the major changes.

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Employers use an employee’s National Insurance category letter when they run payroll to work out how much they both need to contribute. Most employees

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IndividualsLimited CompaniesSole Traders & Partnerships

New health and social care Levy to be introduced across the UK to provide extra cash to reform the Health and Social care systems

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Charities & Civil Society OrganisationsLimited CompaniesSole Traders & Partnerships

The Employment Allowance enables eligible employers to reduce their National Insurance liability. The maximum allowance for the 2021-22 tax year is £4,000, or your total

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If you have lost or forgotten your National Insurance number you should try and locate the number on paperwork such as your tax return, payslip or P60. You can also login to your personal tax account to view, download, print, save or share a letter

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HMRC offers an online service to check your National Insurance Contributions (NIC) record online. In order to use the service, you will need to have a Government Gateway account. If you don't have an account, you can apply to set one up

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