
Limited CompaniesSole Traders & Partnerships

The King’s Speech focused strongly on creating a stable economic environment, but what will this practically mean for businesses?

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Limited CompaniesSole Traders & Partnerships

For your business, a new government brings about a period of uncertainty. Consider how you can prepare to manage this transition and succeed…

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IndividualsSole Traders & Partnerships

From 6 April 2026, people with yearly trading/property income over £50,000 must move to a digital system to record and declare information.

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Limited Companies

From April 2026, reporting and paying Income Tax and Class 1A NICs on benefits-in-kind will be mandatory through payroll software.

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From 6 April, the partial repayment threshold for High Income Child Benefit charge will rise from £50,000 to £60,000.

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IndividualsLimited CompaniesSole Traders & Partnerships

Read our summary of the Spring Budget 2024, with changes to National Insurance, Child Benefit and second homes…

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Limited Companies

A summary of some of the key changes from the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act and how these might affect you and your company…

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

For charities, public debate, campaigning and political activity must remain independent, impartial and in line with their key purposes.

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

The Charity Resilience Index, indicates how charities are navigating the current climate with regard to income, demand and operating costs.

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IndividualsSole Traders & Partnerships

From January 2025, digital platforms such as eBay, Airbnb, Etsy and Vinted will have to routinely collect and report sellers’ income to HMRC.

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

Read our summary of some of the key changes that will affect charities and civil society organisations in the 2023 Autumn Statement.

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

The Charities Aid Foundation has recently published its latest World Giving Index to identify geographical trends in public generosity. 

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