
Charities & Civil Society Organisations

Read what’s practically involved in the audit process, how to prepare well and what to expect from us as auditor…

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

This article covers the important considerations in setting-up and running a trading subsidiary to raise money for your charitable work.

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

There’s a widespread misunderstanding of charity reserves and yet this is an area of vital importance to all charities. Are you up to speed?

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

In the current social, economic and political climate it’s more important than ever that charities act ethically.

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

Is legacy fundraising (donation of a person’s estate via a will or trusts) something your charity should be thinking more pro-actively about?

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

How are you funding your charitable activities? Read our 5 essentials to ensure your grant application is concise, purposeful and successful.

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

For charities, public debate, campaigning and political activity must remain independent, impartial and in line with their key purposes.

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

The Charity Resilience Index, indicates how charities are navigating the current climate with regard to income, demand and operating costs.

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

With a rise in charity related fraud cases, organisations should be prepared for potential dangers and take steps to mitigate risks.

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

Read our summary of some of the key changes that will affect charities and civil society organisations in the 2023 Autumn Statement.

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

The Charities Aid Foundation has recently published its latest World Giving Index to identify geographical trends in public generosity. 

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

As a charity, keeping good accounting records is at the heart of both excellence in public accountability and effective decision making.

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