
Charities & Civil Society Organisations

Read what’s practically involved in the audit process, how to prepare well and what to expect from us as auditor…

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

This article covers the important considerations in setting-up and running a trading subsidiary to raise money for your charitable work.

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

There’s a widespread misunderstanding of charity reserves and yet this is an area of vital importance to all charities. Are you up to speed?

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

In the current social, economic and political climate it’s more important than ever that charities act ethically.

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

With a rise in charity related fraud cases, organisations should be prepared for potential dangers and take steps to mitigate risks.

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

Read our summary of some of the key changes that will affect charities and civil society organisations in the 2023 Autumn Statement.

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

As a charity, keeping good accounting records is at the heart of both excellence in public accountability and effective decision making.

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

Read our summary of the NCVO’s UK Civil Society Almanac 2023, sharing the latest data on the voluntary sector’s size, finances and people.

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

It can sometimes be good to brush up on the facts to ensure that you’re abreast of charity regulations and recent developments. The Charity

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

Having effective internal financial controls is vitally important for charities of all shapes and sizes. Putting meaningful checks and procedures in place will help ensure trustees protect their charity’s assets and finances, as well as enhancing the quality of their decision making, as they seek to put those assets to work for the public benefit.

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

Charities exist for people’s wellbeing.  The resources they have are devoted to the pursuit of their purposes to achieve that. A crucial part of those resources are the people. Find out in this article how good stewardship of a charity’s people is a prime responsibility for trustees…

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Charities & Civil Society Organisations

Charity trustees are the people who lead a charity. They play a vital and rewarding role that contributes to the wellbeing of those involved and affected by their organisation. Trustees have legal control over and ultimate responsibility for the charity, so the law places important duties on them…

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