The Charity Commission has published its research into ‘Charities and their relationship with the public,’ as conducted by BMG.
The Charity Commission has called for urgent action from the UK banking sector to improve the service it offers to charities.
The Charity Commission has recently refreshed their guidance on online charity meetings to ensure specific procedures are followed.
The Gift Aid on Small Donations Scheme could deliver income of potentially £2,000 or more to fund your charitable work.
The Charity Governance Code is reviewed approximately every three years and the latest review is currently underway.
Read what’s practically involved in the audit process, how to prepare well and what to expect from us as auditor…
This article covers the important considerations in setting-up and running a trading subsidiary to raise money for your charitable work.
There’s a widespread misunderstanding of charity reserves and yet this is an area of vital importance to all charities. Are you up to speed?
In the current social, economic and political climate it’s more important than ever that charities act ethically.
Is legacy fundraising (donation of a person’s estate via a will or trusts) something your charity should be thinking more pro-actively about?
How are you funding your charitable activities? Read our 5 essentials to ensure your grant application is concise, purposeful and successful.
For charities, public debate, campaigning and political activity must remain independent, impartial and in line with their key purposes.