P11D (Employee Benefits Reporting)

Limited CompaniesSole Traders & Partnerships

The King’s Speech focused strongly on creating a stable economic environment, but what will this practically mean for businesses?

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Limited Companies

From April 2026, reporting and paying Income Tax and Class 1A NICs on benefits-in-kind will be mandatory through payroll software.

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Limited CompaniesSole Traders & Partnerships

Conducting year-end work can be difficult to prioritise. Read through our ten strategies that can make your year-end process a more seamless.

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Limited CompaniesSole Traders & Partnerships

Here are the tax implications relevant to providing a gift/event to best please your employees, whilst also being financially sensible.

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Limited Companies

Offering benefits to your employees has a number of advantages. If you’re deciding whether you could be providing them, consider these potential positives…

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Charities & Civil Society OrganisationsLimited CompaniesSole Traders & Partnerships

The trivial benefits in kind (BiK) exemption applies to small non-cash benefits like a bottle of wine or a bouquet of flowers given occasionally

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We can assist you to complete and submit your P11D (Employee Benefits Reporting) forms to HMRC on an annual basis.

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We work with over 170 charities, whose varied size, location and activities represent the fantastic diversity and vibrancy of the sector.

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Managing your accounts, tax returns and VAT can be difficult. Our services aim to keep things simple, so you can focus on what you’re best at.

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We support limited companies from a range of sizes, sectors and situations, so they can make the correct decisions, as supported by the data.

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The services we offer are well suited to the needs of solicitors, so they can best run their practice and look after their clients.

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Limited Companies

The deadline for submitting the 2019-20 forms P11D, P11D(b) and P9D is 6 July 2020. Employees must also be provided with a copy of their P11D by the same date.

Employers pay Class 1A National Insurance contributions on most benefits. If you provided

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